About FFN-J
Message from the President
The rapid aging of society has led to a dramatic increase in fragility fractures, imposing a heavy burden on patients, their families, the health system and society as a whole. In order to overcome this and achieve the goal of restoring patient function and preventing subsequent fractures, a systematic approach to fragility fracture treatment must be realized as soon as possible.
Specifically, there are two points to be considered: 1) the best acute treatment through multidisciplinary and multi-professional cooperation to restore motor function to those who have sustained fragility fractures, especially proximal femur fractures in the elderly and 2) rapid and reliable secondary fracture prevention to prevent subsequent fractures after the initial fragility fracture. The Fragility Fracture Network (FFN) was established in Europe in 2011 to address these issues. Its vision and mission are as follows.
A world where anybody who sustains a fragility fracture achieves the optimal recovery of independent function and quality of life, with no further fractures.
To optimize globally the multidisciplinary management of the patient with a fragility fracture, including secondary prevention.
In response to this movement in Europe, the FFN Japan Subcommittee was established in Japan in 2012. In 2015, it became an official organization as the Japan Fragility Fracture Network (NPO) and has been continuing its work. Similar to FFN Global, the purpose of this network is to provide the best possible treatment for patients with fragility fractures through multidisciplinary and multi-professional collaboration in order to extend the healthy life span of the elderly as well as to prevent patients with fragility fractures from suffering more. Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) will be established through multidisciplinary collaboration of orthopedists, geriatricians, internists, anesthesiologists, gynecologists, nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, registered dietitians, social welfare workers, osteoporosis managers and hospital administrators to improve the treatment rate of osteoporosis and prevent secondary fractures by reliably tracking patients.
The NPO Fragility Fracture Network Japan (FFN-Japan) aims to achieve zero QOL decline and zero secondary fractures due to fragility fractures. FFN-Japan also educates and enlightens professionals such as medical staff, nursing care staff and administrative staff as well as the general public.
Fragility Fracture Network Japan
Takeshi Sawaguchi President
Board of Directors
President | Takashi Matsushita |
Director, Trauma Management Division, South Tohoku Group Director, Trauma Reconstruction Center, Shinyurigaoka General Hospital Specially Appointed Professor, Department of Traumatology, Fukushima Medical University |
Director | Hiroshi Hagino |
Professor, School of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University; Director, Department of Rehabilitation, Tottori University Hospital |
Director | Naoto Endo | Director, Niigata Tsubame Rosai Hospital |
Director | Noriaki Yamamoto | Director, Niigata Rehabilitation Hospital |
Director | Takeshi Sawaguchi |
Professor, Department of Traumatology, Fukushima Medical University Director,Trauma Reconstruction Center, Department of Pelvic and Joint Reconstruction, Shinyurigaoka General Hospital |
Director | Masahiro Shirahama | Director, Keijin-kai Kawasaki Hospital |
Director | Satoshi Mori | Senior Director, Department of Bone and Joint Diseases, Seirei Hamamatsu Hospital Director, Osteoporosis Center |
Director | Tamio Teramoto | Director, Clinical Research Center, Teikyo University Hospital |
Director | Mineko Hiraoka | Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Welfare, Tokushima Bunri University |
Director | Masashi Ohguro | Professor, Department of Gerontology, Kanazawa Medical University, Vice President, Kanazawa Medical University Hospital |
Director | Hidenori Arai | President, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology |
Director | Toru Honda | Director, Department of Rehabilitation, Kagawa Prefectural Central Hospital |
Auditor | Tatsuo Yamazaki | Accounting Department, Medical Corporation Aiko-kai |
Auditor | Eimei Takahashi | Honorary professor, Niigata University |
Fragility Fracture Network Japan (General incorporated foundation)
1. Date of Establishment
June 23, 2015
2. Objective
To contribute to extending healthy life expectancy by creating an organization for preventing and treating osteoporosis through multi-professional collaboration (skill mix) and its dissemination and enlightenment activities for medical professionals, nursing care staff, administrators and the general public with the aim of achieving zero fragility fractures among the elderly.
(1) Preparing and distributing materials to prevent secondary proximal femur fractures, with a view to spreading them throughout Japan.
(2) Preparation, printing and distribution of educational packages for enlightenment seminars.
(3) Organizing training courses for promoters to hold seminars throughout Japan.
(4) Holding seminars for practical use of fracture liaison services in hospitals and clinics.
(5) Holding educational seminars on osteoporosis examination for government and health professionals.
(6) Promotion of clinical research on osteoporosis.
(7) Other projects necessary to achieve the objectives.
3. Application and confirmation of donations
Please fill in the attached donation form and send it to the Secretariat by post or fax. A receipt will be issued after confirming the payment.
4. Payment method (bank transfer)
Bank: Niizaki Branch, Daishi Hokuetsu Bank
Account number: Ordinary account 1225751
Account name: Fragility Fracture Network Japan (NPO)
5. Applications/Inquiries
Secretariat of Fragility Fracture Network Japan (General incorporated foundation)
761 Kizaki, Kita Ward Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan 950-3304
Phone: +81-(0)25-250-1247
Fax: +81-(0)25-250-1248